Nu te trezi

Şi vei simţi

În zori de zi

Ţi-oi aminti


De ochii ei

De părul ei

De sânii ei

De gura ei


De buzele

Ca florile

De şoaptele

Ca apele


Va fi a ta

Şi-a altuia

O vei avea

N-o vei avea

Don't wake up

And you will feel

At the break of dawn

You will remember


About her eyes

About her hair

About her breast

About her mouth


About her lips

Like flowers

About her whispers

Like waters


She will be yours

And someone else's

You will have her

You won't have her




she's too hot
song for men

Nu știi că

Sus, peste nor

Florile mor

Stelele dor


Îți spun că

Vremea e iar

Gânduri dispar

Stele tresar


Nu știi că

La mine-n cer

Luna-i de fier

Stelele pier


Îți spun că

Azi voi pleca

Din viața ta

Sus, pe o stea

Don’t you know

Beyond the cloud

Flowers die

Stars hurt


I’m telling you

It’s time again

Thoughts disappear

Stars startle


Don’t you know

On my sky

The moon is iron

The stars die


I’m telling you

Today I will depart

From your life

Above, on a star



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